Sunday Breakfast with friends

Breakfast at The Witch's Cauldron

Breakfast at the Witch’s Cauldron: French toast.

Sunday morning was spent catching up with my 3 best library girlfriends (we’ve been through a lot together).  We chose the Witch’s Cauldron in Subiaco for our breakfast treat.   The menu for breakfast was wonderful with many delightful sounding options and I finally chose (at the eleventh hour) French toast, made from brioche with sliced apple, cream, bacon and maple syrup. My word it was splendid.

The girls were of course the best company for such an indulgence, we gossiped for a short time about our various libraries (we all started out at City of Stirling, but now only Donna is there) and caught up on each others news. After breakfast we took a stroll down Rockeby Road and shopped a little. I now have a new work skirt and 3 more knitting books.  Thankfully not all the shops were open I could have done some real damage to my credit.

We parted at 1:30pm and I drove back to my little house stopping briefly at Piccos (local cafe around the corner) for a friand so I could take my lunchtime pill. It’s been a french food kind of day.  I did toy with the idea of writing this post in French but I suspect my schoolgirl french was not up to it (and I wouldn’t have published before midnight!)

I spent rest of the afternoon napping off the feast. Happy and full.

In other news, Dr K’s (and fellow UWA hacks) collaboration with Landgate won two awards at the WAITTA ceremony on Friday night.

He’s just come through from his study and announced: “It’s time for Star Trek and scones” – no argument here. 🙂

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